
Hello parents,

We hope that you are all safe and well.

We wanted to provide you an update to where we are with returning to soccer as a club as well as a Presidio Soccer League and a Cal South team league.

Cal South has developed a 4-phase return to play plan by working with local health authorities.

We are currently in Phase 1 and I have listed most of the permitted and not permitted activities below for each one of the phases. Soccer needs to be in each phase a minimum of 2 weeks before the public health authority can approve the leagues to move to the next phase.

We cannot participate in tournaments or even begin the season until we are in phase 4. We continuously monitor the County Public Health order as well as guidance from Cal South about what phase we are in, when we will be moving to the next phase and so on.

At this time, we are hopeful that we will have a season as the season does not begin until the 2nd week of September, which is 11 weeks away. Tournament participation is more uncertain as it depends on the County Public Health order before we can participate. At this time, we are not able to participate in any tournaments during July but hopefully we will be far enough along to participate in August.


Phase 1

Permitted activities
– All practice drills and activities are to focus on individual fitness and skills training for the authorized Training Group in a socially distant environment.
– Drills within a Training Group may involve passing, provided that the ball is not touched by the player other than by their feet and the players maintain social distancing as regulated by State and/or Local authorities.
– Participants within a Training Group may not arrive at the facility (training area) until the previous Training Group has completely departed.
– Limit the number of participants in the facility (training area) such that social distancing always allows for participants and employees to maintain a minimum of six (6) feet of distance from one another.

Not permitted
– Players may not share equipment.
– Players may not share practice bibs/pinnies.
– No parents on the practice field.
– No scrimmages between players.
– No competition or tournaments between Teams.
– No physical contact is permitted such as: hugs, high-fives, etc.
– No activities that may create opportunity for an individual to come in contact with another’s equipment. This would include headers, throw-ins, etc.

Phase 2

Same as Phase 1 plus:
– Practice drills and activities may now include multiple players within the Training Group. The number of players in a Training group shall follow regulations defined by State and/or Local authorities.
– Scrimmages between Training Groups within the same League/Club are allowed.
– Sharing of equipment such as soccer balls is allowed for use in the regular practice drills such as headers, and throw-ins are allowed.

Not Permitted
– No parents on the practice field.
– Players may not share practice bibs/pinnies.
– No scrimmages, competitions, tournaments between Teams from different Leagues/Clubs.
– No physical contact such as hugs, high-fives, etc. are allowed.
– No sharing of belongings between players, such as water bottles, cell phones, cleats, socks, shin guards, etc

Phase 3

– Team Training drills allowed based on State and/or Local social distancing guidelines
– Scrimmages are allowed between League/Clubs as defined by the State and/or Local authorities.
– Sharing of equipment, such as soccer balls, is allowed as used for the regular practice drills such as headers, throw-ins, etc.

Not Permitted
– No parents on the practice field.
– Players may not share practice bibs/pinnies.
– No competitions/tournaments between Teams
– No physical contact such as hugs, high-fives, etc. are allowed.
– No sharing of belongings between players, such as water bottles, cell phones, cleats, socks, shin guards, etc

Phase 4

– Teams are allowed to participate in Scrimmages, Competition and Tournaments based on State and/or Local social distancing guidelines
– Practice drills and activities can include multiple Teams.
– Parents allowed on the sidelines at Competitions and Tournaments based on the State and/or Local social distancing guidelines

Not Permitted
– No parents on the practice field.
– No physical contact such as hugs, high-fives, etc. are not allowed.
– No sharing of belongings between players, such as water bottles, cell phones, cleats, socks, shin guards, etc.

Please stay safe out there!

Thank you.

Sabino Vazquez – Director
Juventus San Diego


Cal South Official COVID Guidelines